Watch Elephant Learning Creator on Get Down To Business with Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington

February 03 20:20 2023
Dr. Aditya Nagrath talks about how children learn years of math in just three months with Elephant Learning.

Elephant Learning Mathematics Academy chief executive officer and creator Dr. Aditya Nagrath joins Kevin Harrington in Get Down to Business this February 18 on Fox Business. The Elephant Learning CEO and founder shares how his system helps thousands of children learn the language of mathematics within months.

Elephant Learning helps children understand and use mathematics in powerful ways. It uses tools and techniques to teach children mathematics regardless of background, anxiety levels, or any other external factor.

Dr. Nagrath discusses how Elephant Learning is a very effective system for children of all ages to understand and enjoy mathematics. He and his team combined an algorithm that identifies what children understand and do not understand about mathematics with the most effective method of teaching mathematics that scientists in the field of early education identified. The result was the most effective tool for teaching mathematics, which is the methodology and system that Elephant Learning uses.

According to Dr. Nagrath, Elephant Learning teaches mathematics through gamification. They took advantage of children’s love for games to engage them in learning years of mathematics in just a few months. The methodology also helps them provide mathematical experiences for each student at their individualized level. “On average, children that used our system for just 40 minutes a week or six minutes per day learned years of mathematics over the course of three months,” shared Elephant Learning’s CEO and Creator.

In addition, Dr. Nagrath also shares how they identify the learning levels of students in their system to ensure they will be grouped accordingly. He also talks about how they work with children with learning disabilities and various levels of math anxiety who they helped to excel and gain confidence.

To know more about Elephant Learning, watch Get Down to Business this February 18 on Fox Business or visit The video is also now available on the company’s YouTube channel.

About Elephant Learning Mathematics Academy

Elephant Learning teaches students the language of mathematics in an easy and fun way. It was named the most effective learning platform at the Education 2.0 Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada, and has helped nearly 150,000 children understand and enjoy mathematics.

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